Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Menu Monday: 11/12-11/18

              My goal this week is pretty simple. Survive. With my husband being in ALS (airmen leadership school) my son having trouble not getting all of daddy’s attention,and my crockpot being broken dinner time is definitely going to be a challenge. I tried my hardest to set up an easy menu until my new crockpot comes in and I can trade in my more time consuming recipes. Fortunately I am finally feeling better and it seems the worst of my bronchitis has now passed and I can breathe again.  In preparation for thanksgiving I’ll probably start posting some of my favorite holiday recipes next week, along with weekly meals.

                The weather here in Arkansas is starting to cool off rather quickly, having our first winter freeze this evening.. I foresee lots of soups and stews in the near future. Until then here is this weeks recipe list!!

Today was a boring day, I didn’t feel much like cooking so we just had some simple cheese burgers J same recipe as the gourmet burgers for the pattys, but I just flattened them out a tad more.


Monday: Cheese Burgers

Tuesday: Leftovers

Wednesday: Taco Pizza

Thursday: Citrus Roasted Chicken and Parmasean Potatoes

Friday: Fried Rice

Saturday: Enchilada Casserole

Sunday: Pizza Pockets


Happy Monday!!

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