Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Quick, Easy, and Cheap.

     I promised myself I wouldn't cook anything new until the leftovers were all gone, but alas I had chicken defrosted in the fridge and I was certain i could whip up something quick and easy. I'm a meal planner, I also stick to a strict grocery budget so we eat a lot of chicken. Every once in a while they put a huge pack of wings,drumsticks, and thighs on sale, since i watch the weekly adds i make sure to stock up whenever the sale comes up. Then once i get home i repackage the chicken and toss it in our deep freezer. SO this chicken which i had defrosted couldn't go to waste; i work too hard to get it at the best price. As i stared at the defrosted chicken and at my pantry wondering what i could come up with, i decided i'd figure it out later. Well the day went on, my friend came over and I had procrastinated long enough...
      my husband was home and i still had no idea what i felt like eating, or what i was going to do with this dang chicken. There was a bottle of Buffalo sauce sitting on the counter and i figured well might as well go the easy route and fry up some chicken, toss it in some sauce and call it a day. Unfortunately my post-baby butt told me maybe i shouldn't be FRYING anything. Just as i almost decided we'd be eating lettuce and tomatoes for dinner, i thought i would try something new. The result??

Spicy, Sticky Chicken was born!!! and OH my word it was delicious :)
Spicy, Sticky Chicken
assorted bone-in chicken
olive oil
garlic powder
chili powder
1. Pre-heat oven to 350
2. in a bowl combine a tablespoon of each spice and mix well
3. evenly sprinkle chicken with your spice mix
4. drizzle olive oil over all of you chicken
5. bake for 45 minutes.
6. take chicken out and turn the oven to 400
7. squeeze about one tablespoon of honey on each individual piece of chicken. (i used the back of a spoon to make sure it was covered evenly)
8. put back in the oven for 10 min.
9. Serve and Enjoy!!!
They were soooooo darn good! we didnt even eat anything with it. some veggies on the side would have been great though!

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