Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Money (or lack thereof), Meal Planning, and Spicing up your menu




Saving money seems to be a hot topic these days, well WANTING to save money is. I’ve been asked to share how I plan my meals, how I budget for them and how I stick to my budget. I’m the first to tell you that saving money, living on a budget, and most importantly sticking to a budget are much easier said than done.

 First I’ll try and sum up how I go about it all, and then I’ll break it up into steps so it’s easier to follow and apply to your own home.

One of the most important parts of saving money, meal planning, or setting a budget is…Attitude. Bet you wouldn’t have guessed that? If you dive into budgeting with the wrong attitude you firstly won’t save any money, secondly you won’t enjoy doing it, and thirdly you’re going to give up before you see progress. Before you decide to start, clear your mind of all the negatives that go a long with saving money.  Realize that you will have to change around priorities. Understand that it’s ok to take baby steps until you reach your budgeting goals. Know that in the end it is going to be sooo worth it.  Mind clear? Great let’s start.

I’ll give you a rundown of what I do every two weeks.

I arrange all of our bills so that it is almost an even amount coming out of each paycheck. That way I always know how much is left over and there aren’t even any surprises.

 For example, we get paid twice a month. On the 1st, and the 15th. At the beginning of each month we always have the same bills. Car, Insurance, Credit Card. So I know the amount that will come out at the beginning of every month. Then on the 15th we pay Phones, Insurance, Internet, and Credit Card We have more bills on the 2nd pay check because the bills are smaller. So it evens out. Once my bills are paid I form the rest of my budget… I’ve had the same budget since May of this year and it has worked wonderfully for us. It took me 2 paychecks to figure out how I was spending and where my money was going.

When I first started budgeting I knew that where we lost the most money was food. I would go to the grocery store spend 300 and we’d run out of food before it was time to shop again. So the first thing I did was look at my previous months spending habits, decide how much you would like to be spending and try to meet that goal first. If you normally spend 300 and you want to only spend 150 then start there, I changed my grocery budget 3 times before finding the perfect goal that would give me enough for two weeks and I would also get to sneak in some treats and snacks. I spent too much on groceries and we ate out way too much! That was my first change in attitude. I told myself that I could cook all those meals that we ate at restaurants and it would cost me half the price. My 2nd change in attitude came when I realized I was being a brand snob. I was paying double; sometimes triple the price for things just because it was name brand. I hate to break it to you ladies and gents, but the store brand is almost ALWAYS just as good and so much cheaper. When you serve your family, the labels don’t go into the pot so no one will ever know the difference. After realizing I was a brand snob, I then came to the awful conclusion that I was being a real picky pain in the butt. I would run to the store whenever I got the craving for something just because I felt like it. GUESS WHAT?? When you’re poor…who cares what you’re eating as long as your families bellies are full.

A HUGE part of meal planning is planning ahead (duh). If I say we are having spaghetti on Thursday….guess what? We are having spaghetti on Thursday.  Now this doesn’t mean you can’t swap recipes last minute but you have to be realistic. If you don’t organize your meals, how are you supposed to shop for them? If you never know what you’re going to “feel like eating” you’ll never save money. Make your menu as if it was set in stone. And only shop for those meals when you are starting out.

So how do I decide what I’m going to plan on eating? I start with my 3 rules.

#1 I MUST try at LEAST 1 new recipe every week

#2 we WILL eat leftovers ONCE a week


The third rule is really the basis for successful budgeting. Every week I read the circular ads for my favorite grocery store. I personally like to shop at Kroger, because I can see all the deals online and I also really like their store brand stuff. I start with my staples. Meat, carbs, and produce. Every week different meats are on sale. I always choose different cuts of Chicken, Beef, and pork. Total up how much your meat would cost you. Then we go to carbs, I always have rice, pasta, and potatoes in my pantry. Look in your ad and see what deals they have on these. Again total how much your items would be. Now move on to produce see what is on sale and what is in season. Write down what you would normally make with these ingredients. If you are making a menu for two weeks break down you ingredients in a way that they will stretch the furthest. If chicken breast is on sale and it comes with 10 breasts but we only eat two per meal then you have 5 meals out of that one package. It’s always easiest to break down your meat first and then add sides to it. So now you have a list of usual meals you would make with these items. Next you need to pick a new recipe to try out. I LOVE pinterest….therefore that’s where I get a lot of my inspiration. So let’s say I want to try a new beef recipe…ask friends, look online, browse pinterest. Whatever you want to do to find a recipe for each week. Write it down. So you now have two days set. At my house we have leftovers every 4 days so that accounts for two more days in you plan. Now plug in your normal recipes into your plan.

Start simple when you first start planning. Once you have all of your staples listed out….look to see what other ingredients are on sale that you could use in your recipes. If condensed soups are on sale then maybe you can try more casseroles this week.

 Alternate meats and grains. If you have chicken one day have beef the next day, or if you have pasta one day have potatoes the next etc.

Get creative with your meals, be adventurous! I started out only trying one new recipe a week now I try 3 a week. Since every week new things are on sale I’m forced to try new recipes. You HAVE to force yourself to have variety. Only buying things on sale actually makes it easier. I like to think of it as a test…what can I come up with these ingredients…and I come up with some interesting combinations.

Now that I’ve probably confused you with all that goes on in my head every two weeks lets break it down J


Step 1:  Choose your budget. My budget is 160 every two weeks.

Step 2: Research sales, and be familiar with prices.

Step 3: Make lists, lots of them. List all sale items. List groceries you have to have (milk, eggs, bread etc.) list things you would like to try. List prices of everything. I always write 3 lists, one of everything on sale, one of things I need to get, and one of recipes I could make with what is on sale.

Step 4: pick your meals. Since you have all these lovely lists pick your favorites and start plugging them into your menu. Remember the rules. 1 new recipe. 1 leftover day. ONLY sale items.

Step 5: have a price next to every item on your list, and stick to your list. Take the guessing out of it. If something isn’t on sale that you need, Google the price. Always have a total before you shop.

Step 6: use a calculator while shopping. Always start with your staples, as you’re shopping add them up. Once you’ve gotten them see how much money you have left before meeting your budget. Then you can get all the extras, like sauces, spices, cheeses, snacks, desserts etc.

Step 7. Take advantage of sales… if they have pasta 10 for 10….buy it. If the pasta is normally 1.50 and you have the room in your grocery budget. Stock up, then next time you won’t have to get pasta and you can spend that money elsewhere.

Step 8. Make it fun… print out pretty lists to fill in. make a cool menu board. Reward yourself when you have an awesome shopping trip. Whenever I spend exactly my budget or a couple dollars less. I buy myself a milkshake… give yourself a reason to want to do it again.



I hope this was helpful; I will definitely re-visit this topic again. Please please feel free to ask questions. Meal planning takes effort. It doesn’t happen by accident and it’s not always easy. But one day you’ll be excited to sit down and make a menu, that’s when you know you’re doing it right. You will be amazed at how much more food you’ll have at home and how many awesome recipes there are out there if you just get out there and try!


I apologize if it’s a little scattered tonight, I’ve got a toddler full of Halloween candy distracting me J

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Quick, Easy, and Cheap.

     I promised myself I wouldn't cook anything new until the leftovers were all gone, but alas I had chicken defrosted in the fridge and I was certain i could whip up something quick and easy. I'm a meal planner, I also stick to a strict grocery budget so we eat a lot of chicken. Every once in a while they put a huge pack of wings,drumsticks, and thighs on sale, since i watch the weekly adds i make sure to stock up whenever the sale comes up. Then once i get home i repackage the chicken and toss it in our deep freezer. SO this chicken which i had defrosted couldn't go to waste; i work too hard to get it at the best price. As i stared at the defrosted chicken and at my pantry wondering what i could come up with, i decided i'd figure it out later. Well the day went on, my friend came over and I had procrastinated long enough...
      my husband was home and i still had no idea what i felt like eating, or what i was going to do with this dang chicken. There was a bottle of Buffalo sauce sitting on the counter and i figured well might as well go the easy route and fry up some chicken, toss it in some sauce and call it a day. Unfortunately my post-baby butt told me maybe i shouldn't be FRYING anything. Just as i almost decided we'd be eating lettuce and tomatoes for dinner, i thought i would try something new. The result??

Spicy, Sticky Chicken was born!!! and OH my word it was delicious :)
Spicy, Sticky Chicken
assorted bone-in chicken
olive oil
garlic powder
chili powder
1. Pre-heat oven to 350
2. in a bowl combine a tablespoon of each spice and mix well
3. evenly sprinkle chicken with your spice mix
4. drizzle olive oil over all of you chicken
5. bake for 45 minutes.
6. take chicken out and turn the oven to 400
7. squeeze about one tablespoon of honey on each individual piece of chicken. (i used the back of a spoon to make sure it was covered evenly)
8. put back in the oven for 10 min.
9. Serve and Enjoy!!!
They were soooooo darn good! we didnt even eat anything with it. some veggies on the side would have been great though!

Halloween Festivities

This weekend we had ourselves a little Halloween potluck; who doesn't like potlucks? Everyone comes with delicious food and they take the mess home! Nothing better than that. I realized this weekend that not only do i really love food and making food, my friends do too!! I've got to brag for a second and say man oh man can all my friends cook/bake! we all ate for hours!!! It was A-Mazing! Since i only made two dishes I'll be sure to attach my recipes but i have just got to show y'all all the awesome treats we had :)

I know right?! frickin awesome!! If any of my awesome ladies want to share their recipes i'll be sure to put them up for everyone :) leave them some comments on my blog and im positive they'll be convinced!
The savory food cant be forgotten either, we had crockpot pulled pork, pizza bake, gumbo, sweet and spicy meatballs, Parmesan chicken, pasta salad and much more!! Today i'll share my meatball recipe, and the oreo truffle recipe. Since we're still eating leftovers at my house from Sunday, later tonight i'll pull out one of my favorite recipes and post it for y'all.
Sweet and Spicy Meatballs
Meatballs(either pre made or your favorite non italian homemade ones)
2 bottles of honey bbq sauce
chipotles in adobo sauce
2 cans of coke ( any dark soda will work)
Cayenne to add spice
1. pull out 3 chipotles from the adobo sauce and quickly rinse the residue off, throw them in the blender or food processor and pulverize them.
2. add all ingredients into crock pot and let cook 6-8 hours.
** this sauce is also great on little weenies,wings, and even on pork for pulled pork!
Oreo Truffles
1 package oreos
1 8 oz package cream cheese
melting chocolate (i used white chocolate. but you can use any kind of chocolate)
1. crush whole package of oreos
2. add softened cream cheese to crushed oreos and refrigerate until your chocolate is ready
3. roll oreo mix into balls, and using a spoon lay melted chocolate onto balls.
** i found that if you freeze the balls and then just buy the hardening chocolate you put on ice cream, which comes in different flavors the balls are perfectly coated and it is MUCH easier :)


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Dinner continued...

Around comes dinner time, while my lovely steaks i showed you all this morning have been cooking away in the crock pot all day, I have managed to get bunches of things done for our Halloween Potluck tomorrow. We're finally sitting down to eat and i still have tons to do.... imagine that. I whipped up some Oreo balls as well...i'll save those for my post from the pot luck :)

On with the puerto rican theme; we are having white rice....NOT cooked in a rice maker, and beans with buttercup squash. This is my absolute favorite meal...ever. Any time i go home to visit i manage to request this meal, to every puerto rican family member i have. I have a lot of family...Rice and beans are a staple in puerto rico and if you asked my dad its probably the only necessary food in his eyes. I have never owned a rice cooker and actually growing up my mom didnt either so stove top rice is all ive ever known, although it might seem scary it really is quite easy and i'll show you how to get perfect rice EVERY TIME I cook my rice in an aluminum pot, we call it a "caldero" but you can use any medium sized sauce pot.

  You'll also notice that i have a pretty big variety of spices i use for my beans... take note, because like i said in hispanic cooking they will come up again in a future recipe. All of my seasonings can be found at the commissary for my military friends and for my non military friends MOST not all but MOST walmarts carry the stuff.

Here goes..

Perfect White Rice



2 cups Short or medium grain white rice

3 tbsp olive oil

2tbsp kosher salt

2.5 cups of water




1.       In a medium pot, heat up oil on medium high heat.

2.       Add rice, and mix until oil evenly coats the rice

3.       Constantly stirring, let the rice “pre cook” for 2 min just until some grains look a little toasted

4.       Add water and salt, stir

5.       Let the rice cook on medium high heat until water is almost gone and you can see holes breaking the surface of the rice ( don’t worry theres pictures)

6.       Now cover the rice turn on low and don’t touch it for 20 minutes

7.       After 20 mins open the rice and stir twice just to flip the rice around. Take a taste and if it is still a little too firm cover and leave for another 10 minutes. Check again, take off heat and leave the top off

rice and oil

after adding water

"holes" in the rice

 water is almost all gone, this is when you cover it

finished product!!

Puerto Rican Beans

1 can of red kidney beans or pink beans
2 cups cubed Buttercup squash
1 tbsp Tomato Paste
2 tbsp Sofrito
1 tsp crushed garlic
2 packets Sazon seasoning
1 packet Ham bullion
2 tbsp chicken bullion
¼ cup sugar
1 can of water



1.       In a small sauce pot….dump everything in.

2.       Let it simmer on medium heat for 15 minutes

3.       Lower heat and allow to cook until squash is tender and sauce has thickened

 all dumped in

nice and thick :)
MMMMM so delicious!

Early Morning Multi-tasking,

This morning like every morning, I woke up hoping both babies were still sleeping, Saturdays happen to be my favorite days because my husband is home and normally i can squeeze in an extra hour or two of sleep. Today i decided to make use of my childless time and get a head start on dinner, make a yummy new breakfast and spend some time with my husband.
I managed to start dinner in the crock pot and about two minutes into sitting on the couch to decide what i was making both babies are up and ready to intrude on my mommy time. Oh such is the life of a mom.
Anyhow dinner tonight is a Puerto Rican classic Bistec Encebollado(Cubed steak marinated and cooked with onions) with Rice and beans. I always like to pull out the crock pot anytime i can, this just so happens to be one of my husbands favorite Puerto Rican dishes.Don be scared of the vinegar, it gives it an amazing flavor, and really im not sure why people don't cook with vinegar more often its a great "tangy" flavor to add to tons of meat dishes. Here's the beginning of this dish, the rest will come later :)
Crock Pot Bistec Encebollado
4 Cubed steaks
1 Lg Red onion
3 cloves of garlic
1 cup of vinegar
water to cover
Adobo Seasoning to taste. (crucial ingredient)
1. Slice red onion, and garlic. season meat very liberally in Adobo.( i season the steaks and then put more in the water)
2. throw everything in crock pot.
3. put it on low and continue your daily activities :)
****For anyone who hasnt used Adobo its a really good all purpose seasoning to have in the pantry it really taste great on everything and it will especially come in handy if you plan on following any of my hispanic recipes.

On to the next recipe! Breakfast!!
This recipe was something new i wanted to try and ive already made changes to it because the first results just weren't to my liking but i'll let ya'll be the judges.
Pancake and Bacon Egg Cups
6 Strips of bacon. (trim off most of the fat)
1.5 cups Premade pancake mix
6 eggs
Maple Syrup
muffin tin
1. first of all make your pancake mix, whatever pancake mix that might be, for the sake of time i grabbed my always ready box mix :) whipped up a cup and a half and added some vanilla to it.
2. Preheat oven to 350. While the oven is doing its job, spoon 2 tablespoons of pancake batter into each muffin well.
3. swirl in some maple syrup to your desired liking...we really like maple syrup in my house. so i was generous with it.
4.pop it in the oven for 6 minutes. now take it out and put the oven up to 400
5. add more maple syrup. I told you...we really like maple syrup.
6. lay your trimmed bacon in each cup to make cute little bacon cups 1 slice per cup. make sure your ends are overlapping so that you can contain as much of the egg as possible.
7. crack one egg in each cup and sprinkle with salt.
8. leave in the over for about 15 min.... i say about because it depends on how you like your egg...if you like it more firm leave it in longer.
I'd say its a pretty simple breakfast muffin, If you notice in my pictures there are eggs and bacon missing, that because i filled up some of the muffins with just pancake batter and syrup for my little one. Might i add that it was a genius decision and everyone should make pancake muffins!!! might try that tomorrow with some fruits...

drizzled maple syrup, mmmm i could so make some mcgriddle sandwich thingys... for another day :)

bacon syrup

*** cookie sheet helps stop anything from spilling in your oven


Friday, October 26, 2012

Cheesy Ham and Potato Soup

How exciting my FIRST POST :)

It is a lovely cold day in Arkansas today,cold weather always calls for belly warming soup. This is a super easy soup and It is DELICIOUS, my oldest son snuck two bowls before his dad was even home.  I promise to post pictures of future recipes...but it was all gone before I could get the camera out.

So, here it is.


  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 3/4 cup chopped celery
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 5 cups cubed peeled potatoes
  • 3 cups chicken stock ( I just so happened to have made a whole chicken yesterday so i took out my handy dandy crock pot and made stock last night. **note to self put up how to make stock**)
  • 4 cups 2% milk, divided
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 4 cups (16 ounces) shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 cup of crumbled ham. ( i threw cubes in the food processor)


  • In a large pot, saute onion and celery in butter for 5 minutes. Add potatoes and chicken stock. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; Add the cup of crumbled ham cover and simmer for 15 minutes or until potatoes are tender.
  • Stir in 2 cups milk, bouillon, salt and pepper. Combine flour and remaining milk until smooth; gradually stir into soup. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened. Reduce heat. Add cheese; stir until cheese is melted. Yields: a BIG OLE POT OF SOUP :)

Kitchen ooops!!

I had my soup cooking on low after it was all done for a few hours and it was delicious!!!! Aj and i had it for lunch( and thank goodness i did)...then tragedy struck when the heat "accidentally" got turned up and the deliciously smoothe and silky soup turned into a mess. SOOOO LESSON LEARNED let it cook low and slow when its thickening. dont rush it or your milk will look like a bad irish car bomb!!


A Long Overdue Introduction

     After many years of dabbling in the kitchen I have finally decided to put what I love to do into some sort of more "permanent" and easier to keep track of form! As well as settling all the questions i get so often on how i make this and that...also forcing myself to actually put my recipe into actual **gulp** "recipe form". Alll my friends i know are laughing at me, and my inability to write down proper measurements :)

So a little introduction...My name is Antonnette. I am a mother of two wonderful little boys; 17 months apart! It's a miracle we eat every day with those two keeping me busy. I am a military wife to an outstanding man who above all has put up with me, my nonsense, and my love of making his life a royal pain :) We are currently stationed in Arkansas and we love it!! My kitchen is my domain, as most my friends know I am just full of useful and slightly useless knowledge involving all things food and the kitchen. Cooking is my passion, and I have loved every bit of it since i was a little girl sitting on the counter watching my mom cook. Now being a mother myself i live for the "mmmmm's and yummm's" from my family. It makes my heart happy to know that they can benefit from my favorite pass time. That being said i want you all to know although i love to cook, i despise baking, any dessert recipes i post i can completely guarantee are so stinking easy to do or i tricked my husband into doing them because desserts and i just don't mesh. Something about the thought of having to follow precise directions just drives me bonkers! I hope you enjoy all the delicious dishes!!
And that's about it!! i shall soon start posting recipes, ideas, and plenty of pictures!!