Sunday, May 5, 2013

Orange Rosemary Chicken and Butternut Mash

Because Paleo "limits" so many thing i'll be telling you what I use leftovers to make also, so you can see the actual versatility in choosing to eat paleo. Yesterday I made that delicious pork loin and I had tons of leftovers. today for lunch I cut up some of the loin in to cubes, sliced open my pineapple. Onions and a yellow pepper stuck them all on kabobs and popped them in the oven for ten minutes. it was delicious!!

Tonights dinner was a simple one, I have a love for cooking whole chickens, and have a talent for it might I add ;-) I bought a bunch of delicious oranges and have been stretching them into as many recipes as I can, I adore that sweet and savory flavor on any dish. So what better thing to do with one of the many fresh whole chickens I have in that big ole freezer than stuffing some oranges up its butt! haha you'll love this recipe its simple but has such great aromatic flavors! I wont actually post a recipe for the butternut mash, only because all I did was boil peel and mash it...I wont waste cyber space with that but it is delicious. Paleo doesn't allow for white potatoes, but im definitely a meat and potato type of girl so I like to substitute veggies for my potatoes here and again.

Orange Rosemary Chicken

Whole Chicken
few branches of rosemary
two large oranges
sea salt

1. and hour or so before you are ready to cook, salt and pepper the chicken. Stick a sprig of rosemary under the skin on both breasts and inside the cavity. slice one orange in half and squeeze all the juice on the chicken

2. When ready to cook, preheat oven to 350.

3. slice your other orange, squeeze juice on chicken, and stuff the halves of orange in the cavity.
4. add a little more salt and pepper, and bake uncovered for 1 hour

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Life Happens. but I keep cooking.

I cant believe I haven't been able to post since Christmas! In the last 4 months there has been so much going on its a miracle im still slightly sane...slightly.My husband has deployed. My oldest turned 2 :-/ and the youngest is getting to turn 1 soon!!

 For all of my friends who are on my facebook and have noticed the change in my cooking...its true...ive gone healthy!! Lord knows its not easy, but im doing the Paleo 30 day challenge. a few months ago it dawned on me that it was time to get into shape and get healthy again.. I started out slowly cutting things back but ive really been drawn to this primal way of eating.. its filling, makes me feel good, and I have tons more energy!! Ive only been doing it for a week now...and the results are already pretty awesome. I'm not going to back track and post all those recipes because honestly I barely have the time in the day to shower with military man being gone. So lets start today!! Enjoy the new healthy recipes this month and if you feel like trying something new, a change of lifestyle maybe join me in this challenge!!

Tonight we had an awesome dinner, I cooked my pork in my rotisserie, which I know everyone doesn't have but let me just say if you don't have one... you should think about getting one. ITS is always perfectly cooked and in a hurry! my new healthy outlook on eating consists of Animals and Plants so everything is going to be full of meat,fruits, and veggies... No sugar, No grains, No dairy. ( sorry my potato lovers)

Pork Tenderloin

1 Pork Tenderloin
2 tblsp garlic paste ( i'll post my recipe later)
1tbsp Oregano
SEA salt

1. rub down the tenderloin with all ingredients
2. if you have a rotisserie mount it and cook for 1 hour.
3. if you don't have a rotisserie bake at 350 for one hour

Roasted Cauliflower and Asparagus

Half a head of cauliflower
1 bundle of asparagus
olive oil
sea salt

1.chop the cauliflower and asparagus into one inch pieces
2. toss in olive oil, salt, and pepper
3.bake at 400 for twenty minutes.

Orange and strawberry salad

2 large oranges
4 strawberries
tsp of dried mint
pinch of cayenne pepper

1. Cut the rinds off of the orange and slice into discs
2. slice strawberries
3. add mint and cayenne and refrigerate until ready to serve.